I keep getting surprised more frequently with games on mobile. I never used to be into mobile gaming but games like this are pulling me towards the platform. This game is very impressive from the graphics to the exploration to the combat and the way you buy more ammo and health. The game is generous with killing enemies and getting enough money to keep buying health/hunger and ammo/armour. They dont make you kill thousands of enemies to be able to afford one health pack or a clip of ammo. And the controls are just fine. I cant really think of any serious complaints. Of course the usual more/better of everything applies. I will say I agree with the other reviewers that zombies should not have guns or do anything un-zombie like. Also for me I hate the hunger meter and think it should be taken out or at least reserved for the hardcore gamers on a simulation setting. Also multiplayer/co-op would be awesome, naturally. However for a mobile game this is still really good. Of course its not perfect but its also not finished either. And as a bonus theres no IAP!
bezpazaur about Occupation, v1.04